Paul K. Lebidine, BGen, USMC [ret]
In 1984, Brigadier General Lebidine enlisted in the Marine Corps in Philadelphia, PA, and graduated Honorman at MCRD Parris Island. In 1986, after being meritoriously promoted to corporal, he was selected for the Enlisted Commissioning Program. After completion of OCS, Basic School, Army Ranger School, and Airborne training, he served as a Platoon Commander and Company Executive Officer in 1st Battalion, 4th Marines (MEU- SOC). His second deployment included Operation Desert Shield/Storm.
Most recently, In November 2015 to April 2017, Brigadier General Lebidine served as the Commanding General of the 4th Marine Division. Brigadier General Lebidine retired on 1 August 2017. Completing a 33 year career in the United States Marine Corps.
Brigadier General Lebidine's personal decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit (with gold star), Bronze Star (with two gold stars), Meritorious Service Medal, and Combat Action Ribbon (with gold star). He holds a BA degree from the University of Florida, a JD degree from Thomas Jefferson Law School, and a Master’s Degree in Security Studies from the US Army War College.